Campus Recreation /
On-Line Services

On-Line Services

With On-Line Services you can...

-Buy a membership to the gym, Mac Paddle Shack or Mac Smart Studios

-Sign up for Staff Fitness or reserve a spot in the Mac Smart Studios

-Register your Intramural team 

Login by clicking one of the icons that goes to Online Services.  McGill students or staff will use your Minerva/McGill email and password to login.  Community Guests can create creditials to register.


21,111 Lakeshore Rd, P.O. Box 90, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue (Que) H9X 3V9 Canada
Office: 514-398-7789 / Arena: 514 398 7790 / Fax Télécopieur: 514-398-7532 Email/Courriel

Office Hours: Mon to Fri: 9am-5pm
Heures de bureau: lundi au vendredi : 9h à 17h